Saturday, November 10, 2007

How to save energy?

There are 2 types of energy and they are Renewable and Non-Renewable. Renewable energy is energy that can reproduce and used over and over again in a short period of time. It includes wind, solar (from the sun), geothermal, hydropower (water energy), and biomass (from plants) energy. Non-Renewable energy is energy that comes out of the ground as liquid, gas, and solid and cannot reproduced in a short period of time. This includes oil, coal, natural gas, fossil fuels (from the remains of plants and animals that lived million of years ago) and Nuclear.

People should be more concerned about saving energy because it’s a limited source. Since most of our source of energy are non-renewable, (e.g. electricity, oil, fossil fuels, and uranium) we should save the energy and use less of these supplies. Here are some ways how you should help the environment and save energy:
- Buy energy saving light bulbs or less waltz light bulb.
- Don’t leave things turned on or plugged in if you don’t need it because the energy is still flowing through and it will still use electricity.
- Use fans instead of air conditioners. Air conditioners use a large amount of energy. Fans, on the other hand, is not as cool as air conditioner but would still make a cool breeze.
- Take shorter showers and use less hot water. To make hot water, you need energy and electricity to power and heat it up. So the longer showers you take the more energy is used.
- Don’t use batteries and switch to rechargeable batteries. Batteries are heavy metal toxic that are highly dangerous. When batteries are discarded onto landfills, the toxic can seep into the ground water and onto our food chain which can kill animals. Instead of throwing away batteries into trash cans, we should take them to a toxic waste disposal area if possible.
- Use a broom instead of electronics or water to clean the floors. We need to save water and electricity. A broom would do just as fine as those mechanics.
- Try not to buy too much things at once. Many people buy too many things at once which turns into waste. Once the food expires, it would be wasted and dispose.
- Buy reusable things to save natural resources. This reduces the use of landfill space.
- Recycle scrap papers, cans, paper, and bottles.
- Recommend a friend or family member to recycle and reuse.

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