Saturday, November 10, 2007

What is the President going to do?

With all the commotions going on in Iraq, Bush claims to set goals for energy conservancy. "By the end of next year, America and other nations will set a long-term global goal for reducing green house gases.To help develop this goal, the United States will convene a series of meetings of nations that produce most greenhouse gas emissions, including nations with rapidly growing economies like India and China. In addition to this long-term global goal, each country would establish midterm national targets and programs that reflect their own mix of energy sources and future energy needs." (May 31, 2007) But with the war in Iraq, do we have enough money for these changes?

Ever since the war in Iraq has started, the United States has spent over $467 billion. With the war still going on, the prices of good went up and the funds for global warming have decreased. Bush claims that hes going to raise money for the community, but does he really have time for that? and is he really going to do it? On "September 27, 2007, the United states hosted representatives of 17 world leaders and the united nations in the first major economies meeting on energy security and climate change." This meeting discussed the plans to reduce greenhouse gases emissions, increasing energy security and efficiency, and promoting economic growth. This meeting was held to reflect on nations energy sources, future energy needs, and development and priorities. This made the people reacted positively of bush and decided to contribute to this meeting. Bush's goal was to reduce greenhouse gases by the end of each year. But we will never know his work until it's done and that's when it is the end of each year.

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